TunerStudio MS, the most most Tuning software available.

The registered and Lite! editions are the same installer.

For beta Releases go to: Beta Download Site


Windows Support

For Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows 8, Windows 10 & Windows 11

TunerStudio MS version 3.2.03 (Approximately 88 MB)                                 download

alternate TunerStudio MS download site

MegaLogViewer MS Version 4.4.43 32 Bit (38MB MB)                                  download
MegaLogViewer MS Version 4.4.43 64Bit (40 MB)                                        download

alternate MegaLogViewer MS  download site

 Learn More about MegaLogViewer HD - Our most powerful Data Log and analysis tool

MegaLogViewer HD Version 4.5.05 32Bit (38MB MB)                                    download
MegaLogViewer HD Version 4.5.05 64Bit (40 MB)                                          download

alternate MegaLogViewer HD download site 

Support for OS X 

TunerStudio and MegaLogViewer MS For Mac OS X 10.7+

TunerStudio MS version 3.1.06 (Approximately 117 MB)                           download
MegaLogViewer MS Version 4.1.05 (67 MB)                                              download
MegaLogViewer HD Version 4.1.05 (67 MB)                                              download 

For Linux

TunerStudio MS version 3.2.03 (Approximately 69 MB)                             download *
MegaLogViewer MS Version 4.4.43(4.6 MB)                                              download
MegaLogViewer HD Version 4.5.05 (4.6 MB)                                             download


For Android

  Shadow Dash MS v 1.6.10 (09/25/2018)                                      download

Now with Auto Update so it will update itself.
To get the Shadow Dash Beta, see here


Shadow Logger MS - version 1.21                                                               download
Free, No Expiration,
most users will want to use Shadow Dash,
but Shadow Logger works on Android 2.1



* Linux is a tar files. You will need to extract them to a folder of your choice and start them using the .sh file.
** On Linux, If you install the 64 bit version of MegaLogViewer, you must also have a 64 bit JRE installed.



Preview Release.

Check out the beta Releases at:

Beta Download Site