Category: TunerStudio

Almost any modern computer laptop will run TunerStudio to it's full potential. If you have a very old laptop for tuning with say a Pentium II or older, the following may help:


Typically a 1 GHz processor is more than enough to run TunerStudio well, TunerStudio was designed to insure it could run on old slow tuning laptops. There are people running on 366MHz Laptops :). The biggest variable beyond processor is the Video chipset and driver. So if you are using an older laptop, you may want to adjust some of the more resource intensive options as they can have a significant impact on performance.
If using a very old laptop, Here are a list of changes that have significant performance impacts:

Operating Systems

Use on other platforms can be accomplished as long as the OS meets the JRE requirements and you can provide the appropriate RXTX driver. For adapting to other platforms it is easiest to download the Linux tar.gz file as that will run on all platforms as is and simply needs the appropriate RXTX driver placed in the lib folder.

Java Runtime Environement

JRE 1.6 or 1.7is required, .

Recommended System Specifications

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